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  • Writer's pictureDonna Amidon

Move the Box: Overcome Worry and Get Things Done

The appointment card had been on my nightstand for months, staring at me every morning and night. Why was it so hard to do a simple thing like make an appointment? Why did I keep putting it off? How could something so small feel so big?

Do you ever feel the same way? Let me share a short story on how I’m learning to move the box.

Recently, our family helped friends move into their new home. It was a full day of unloading the truck and setting up the house. And as the evening wrapped up, I couldn’t get over how easy the day had seemed.

Not that I wasn’t exhausted physically, but I couldn’t get over how the day had felt so easy -- emotionally.

Because when our family moves, it’s completely different (to put it nicely). It's all-consuming and emotionally draining. Why? It’s not just boxes and furniture. It’s the memories and belongings. It’s the unseen worries and fears of being in a new place.  

But as we drove home from helping our friends move, it became clear. The move was so easy because I wasn’t carrying all my usual worries and concerns. 

I was simply doing the task.

Moving the box. 

This experience was a lesson for me. It made me wonder how many tasks I make harder than they should be because I weigh them down with worry and fear.

Whether it's sending an email or making the doctor’s appointment, these feelings make me want to put it off or not do it at all. 

Let me ask you: What if we could strip away these weights that hinder us? What if we could detach the fear and just do what needs to be done? What if we could move the box

I believe that with God’s help, we can. Let these words settle into your soul: Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” ( 1 Peter 5:7).

God isn’t asking you to carry these boxes of burdens alone. Rather, He invites you to cast every worry, every question of capability, and every concern into His hands. 

Today, ask yourself: What am I putting off because it feels overwhelming? What’s really holding me back? Whatever it is, give it completely to your loving Father.

Then, could I encourage you to do what needs to be done: make the call, send the email, schedule the appointment, or apply for the job. 

And oh, the appointment card on my nightstand? I “moved the box” and made the call. Yay!!

Cheering you on! 💕 


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