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Writer's pictureDonna Amidon

What's Your One Thing? New Year, New You

Updated: May 25, 2019

It’s that time of year! Time to evaluate the past, and look forward to a new year that will hopefully be better than the one before. And if you’re like many people, New Year’s Resolutions get thrown into the equation of making our lives better.

We long for change. We’re desperate for it. But let’s be honest, resolutions rarely work! I believe it’s because we’re trying to accomplish OUR goals in OUR strength.

But the essence of Christianity is not asking God to bless our steps. The essence of Christianity is FOLLOWING in His.

What better time than the beginning of the year to slow down and pray, “God, what is the focus or direction YOU would have me take in this New Year?”

While many ideas and plans may race through our heads, I’ve discovered the most fruitful way to approach the New Year is to quiet ourselves and prayerfully consider One Thing or One Word that could set the tone for the year.

Just One.

This idea of One Thing is seen in Scripture.

  • King David’s “One Thing” was worship (Psalms 27:4).

  • Paul’s “One Thing” was pressing on (Philippians 3:14).

  • Jesus even told Mary, “One Thing” was needed, and it was sitting at His feet (Luke 10:38-42).

Just One.

One year, my word was “contentment.” Another year was “rest.” Another was “prayer” and another was “serving.” Last year, my one thing was “redeeming the time.”

In fact, this has been my habit for over 10 years! It becomes a regular and joyful dynamic to my everyday life. It’s the lense through which I make decisions and spend my time. It gives me a certain sense of a momentum and keeps me growing closer to Jesus.

What if you were to pick one thing and focus on that in 2019? What is that area of your life that needs God’s touch? Or what is the one thing that could benefit you or those around you? Or that one thing that could bring the greatest growth to your relationship with God?

Anything come to mind?

Let me leave you with three practical steps for prayerfully choosing One Thing:

  • Keep it Kingdom Focused: This is not about building your business, finishing your book, your degree, or getting a beach body. This is opening yourself to what the Holy Spirit is doing in your heart.

  • Keep it Biblically Based: Once you have an idea of the direction, study and learn what the Bible teaches about that topic. Make that word a part of your personal study in 2019.

  • Share It With Others: Don’t keep the beautiful work God is doing in your heart silent. Tell a friend and check up with each other throughout the year.

This is not a bland academic process or self-help exercise. This is opening your life to the power of God and letting Him transform you into who HE wants you to be.

Ready for a fresh focus in 2019?

What will your One Thing be?


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